Even though we have only just launched Dapt UK, we are passionate about starting in the best possible way and reducing our carbon footprint. Climate change is something we all need to be looking at and here at Dapt UK, we want to make sure we can take steps to help.
As such, and as part of our corporate social responsibility, we have partnered with Ecologi to help us achieve a greener consulting practice.
For every employee we have at Dapt UK we will be donating per employee per month towards global climate change initiatives and projects closer to home such as the Rewilding in the UK Future Forest initiative.
This further increases our local impact by planting extra trees on British soil, funding a new reforestation project in Scotland, helping plant a deciduous forest, approved by Scottish Natural Heritage, just like the native one would have been.
But wait, we're not finished yet! For every client we work with on a project we will plant a thicket of 50 trees and 1 tonne of CO2 removed on their behalf and they will be able to see their name in our virtual Dapt UK forest!
You can track our progress here - https://ecologi.com/daptuk and see some of the initiatives we're supporting.

We are all able to make a change, from ensuring we recycle our waste to reducing the amount we use our cars. With more and more people working from home, however, we can make a big impact by reducing the power consumption of our devices at home.
Here are five quick tips on how you can help whilst you work from home!
Adjust your Windows power options for your laptop or surface
Decrease your monitor's brightness to help reduce power consumption
Use the sleep and hibernate options at the end of the day (hibernate is best!)
Quit unnecessary programs running in the background
Turn external devices on only when needed (so turn off that printer in your office if you're not using it, even if it's on standby)